Outdoor pollution and normal indoor activities can contribute to the air quality inside your home, and bad indoor air quality can have negative health consequences for you, your family, and your pets. When you have poor indoor air quality, you may experience a variety of symptoms. If you notice any of these signs, you should contact a professional to test the quality of the air in your home and take steps to correct any problems with it.

1. Annoying Allergies

Many people experience seasonal allergies, so it’s no surprise if you find yourself sneezing during the spring. However, your home should provide a respite from the high pollen levels outdoors. If coming inside doesn’t calm your allergies, your home’s air may be contaminated with allergens. If you are experiencing itchy eyes, constant sneezing, and a scratchy throat while you are indoors, your indoor air quality may be poor. You may need to have your air quality assessed and restored by an HVAC professional so you can get relief from your allergies.

2. Obnoxious Odors

Lingering odors can make your home a very unpleasant place to spend time. If weird smells are still hanging around after you’ve taken out the trash, washed the dishes, and given the dog a bath, you may be wondering where the smell is coming from. In some cases, odors can be caused by mold. No matter how much you clean and spray air freshener, the smell will just keep coming back. Your HVAC technician can determine the source of the smell and offer a permanent solution. Odors can also be a sign of a dirty air filter that needs to be cleaned or replaced. Vinegar and ammonia smells are common indicators of HVAC system issues.

3. Frequent Headaches

There’s nothing worse than an annoying headache that seems to linger for days. If you have a headache that won’t go away, this may be a sign of poor indoor air quality. Mold, allergens, dust, and bad smells can trigger headaches in some people. Congestion from air contaminants can cause a sinus headache and other allergy symptoms. If your headache only appears when you walk through your front door, this is a clear sign that your home’s indoor air quality needs improvement. You don’t have to suffer from headaches forever. You can get relief by contacting us at Dream Team Home Services for indoor air quality improvement services.

4. Feeling Tired and Dizzy

Feeling tired and dizzy is a warning sign that something is not right in your home. Your home may have high levels of carbon monoxide or other chemicals. If you start feeling faint, you should leave your home immediately and contact a professional to assess the issue. While fatigue can have many causes, a sudden onset of sleepiness or dizziness can be a sign of a carbon monoxide leak in your residence. This can be fatal, so don’t ignore the warning signs. Carbon monoxide is odorless, but other types of gas have odors. If you smell gas in your home, you should leave immediately and contact your propane provider and fire department for help.

5. Upset Stomach

Bad smells can sour anyone’s stomach, but if everyone in your home feels nauseous and there is no obvious smell, this can indicate immediate danger. Along with fatigue and dizziness, an upset stomach is another common symptom of carbon monoxide exposure. If you and your household members are feeling dizzy and nauseous, you should leave the home immediately and contact your local emergency services for assistance. In some cases, recurring nausea can be caused by non-life-threatening air contaminants. Dream Team Home Services can assess and restore your indoor air quality so you can breathe healthy, clean air. Once you have ruled out carbon monoxide and eliminated air contaminants, your nausea should subside.

6. Getting Sick All the Time

Extremely dry conditions allow pathogens to move freely through the air. If you are repeatedly getting a cold or the flu, you may need to increase the humidity in your home. Poor air quality can irritate your mucous membranes and make you more vulnerable to illnesses. If you or your family members are always sick, it’s time to have your home’s indoor air quality checked. You should also consider that your repeat colds might actually be allergies caused by dust, dander, or other contaminants inside your home. Whether you are suffering from allergies or the flu, improving your indoor air quality can help reduce your symptoms.

7. Ear, Nose, and Throat Irritation

Itching in your ears, nose, and throat can be uncomfortable and annoying to deal with. While itchiness during allergy season is normal, year-round irritation can be a sign of poor indoor air quality. This irritation can make it hard to sleep at night, and spending time in your home may become unbearable when you are constantly sneezing and rubbing your nose. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with ear, nose, and throat irritation forever. If you reach out to us at Dream Team Home Services, we’ll assess your home’s indoor air quality and find a solution to eliminate the source of irritation. Once your home’s air is clean and free of dust, you should see a reduction in symptoms.

8. Lung Problems

Respiratory illnesses like bronchitis can be made worse by poor indoor air quality. Contaminated air can also have negative impacts on household members with asthma, COPD, or autoimmune conditions. Babies, pets, and the elderly may experience trouble breathing in homes with poor indoor air. If you or one of your family members has an existing respiratory issue, you should have your air quality assessed. Our technicians at Dream Team Home Services are trained to do this so they can help keep you and your family safe and healthy.

9. Dry Skin

Itchy, dry skin can be painful and embarrassing to deal with. While eczema is a common skin condition, it can be exacerbated by poor indoor air quality. If your dry skin feels worse when you are at home, you might need to have your indoor air quality checked. Dry air or allergens may be irritating your skin and causing your eczema to flare up more often.

10. Constant Coughing

If you have a cough that won’t quit, you should have your indoor air quality assessed by our team. Coughing is one of the most common signs of poor indoor air quality. If your cough is being caused by air contaminants in your home, it should go away once your indoor air quality has been restored. Pollen, pet dander, mold, and dust are some of the most common indoor air contaminants that can cause a nasty cough. We can eliminate these problems so you can stop coughing and breathe more easily.

Experts at Improving Your Indoor Air Quality

If you constantly feel run down, sick, and congested, your home’s air quality may be to blame. Fortunately, your indoor air quality can be improved with the help of an HVAC specialist. At Dream Team Home Services, we offer indoor air quality services to residents throughout the Media, PA area. Contact us today for help with improving your home’s air quality or if you need help with your AC unit.

Meet the Author
Abby Steele
Abby Steele

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